Unwarranted and illegal demand of additional security deposit by DNHPDCL

Unwarranted and illegal demand of additional security deposit by DNHPDCL
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is in receipt of numbers of complaints from colleague industries that, DNHPDCL has raised the demand for additional security deposit and is insisting to furnish the said additional security deposit at the earliest. Ongoing through the issue in detail, it was found that due to error on part of DNHPDCL in calculation of FPPCA charges the monthly electric bill amount has been raised exorbitantly and considering the increase in monthly bill now, DNHPDCL is demanding additional security deposit. As you know that, Hon’ble Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission has already passed an interim order and has restricted DNHPDCL to recover the FPPCA charges to the tune of Rupees 0.67 paise only per unit. Moreover, we hope that after detail working the actual FPPCA shall further reduce by which the monthly electric bill of Non-open Access Consumer shall effectively cut by 33% compare to bill of November 2016 to January 2017. So, this demand of additional security deposit by DNHPDCL is unwarranted and illegal.

So, on receipt of grievances from the colleague members, SIMA along with other constituent associations of Federation of Industries Association, Silvassa raised their voice and by its representation dtd: 08.03.2017 protested against the demand of additional security deposit  by DNHPDCL and has requested DNHPDCL not to  demand the additional security deposits based on unlawful and unjustified FPPCA charges and DNHPDCL should wait for the final order of Hon'ble JERC.

The scanned copy of the representation of Federation of Industries of Associations, Silvassa is attached herewith for your ready reference.    

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,

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