Transfer and Posting of IAS officer in the UT of DNH and DD.

Transfer and Posting of IAS officer in the UT of DNH and DD.
Saturday, July 16, 2022
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith an Order issued by Director-cum-Deputy Secretary (Personnel), DNH & DD vide No. 1/6/93-PER/Part.IV/864 dated 15.07.2022.

As per the Order Hon’ble Administrator, DNH & DD has relieved Smt. Saloni Rai, IAS (AGMUT-2016), Secretary (Higher & Technical Education), DNH & DD from the UT Administration of DNH & DD w.e.f. 18.07.2022 (A.N) with direction to report to the Administrator, UT of Lakshadweep as per Order of Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India dated 20/04/2022.

To view the Order please CLICK HERE.

Further, in pursuance of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India’s order dated 20.04.2022, Hon’ble Administrator of DNH & DD has relieved Shri Rakesh Minhas, IAS (AGMUT-2016), Collector, DNH from UT Administration of DNH & DD w.e.f. 18.07.2022 (A.N) with direction to report to the Administrator, UT of Lakshadweep.

To view the Order please CLICK HERE.

Consequent upon the relieving of Smt Saloni Rai, IAS (AGMUT 2016) and Shri Rakesh Minhas, IAS (AGMUT 2016) on dated 18.07.2022, Hon’ble Administrator has allotted the charges by them as under:

1. Ms. Bhanu Prabha, IAS (AGMUT-2015) is posted as Collector, DNH and shall hold other charges held by Shri Rakesh Minhas, IAS (AGMUT-2016) in addition to her existing charges.

2. Ms. Ankita Anand, IAS (AGMUT-2015) shall hold the charges held by Smt. Saloni Rai, IAS (AGMUT-2016), in addition to her own charges.

To view the Order please CLICK HERE.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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