Special Package For Apparel / Garments & Made Ups Sectors.
Dear All,
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Sh. Narendra Modi has unveiled a package of reforms for generation of 1 Crore jobs in the textile and apparel industry over next 3 years.
The package includes a slew of measures which are labour friendly and would promote employment generation, economics of scale and boost exports. The steps will leadto a cumulative increases of US$ 30 bn. In exports and investment of Rs. 74000 Crores over next 3 years.
The majority of new jobs are likely to go to women, since the garment industry employees nearly 70 % women workforce. Thus, the package would help in social transformation through women empowerment.
To explain the Scheme in detail to the entrepreneurs of UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, a seminar on “ Special Package for Apparel / Garments & made Up Segments “ was organized jointly by Regional Office of Textile Commissioner, Ahmadabad and Federation of industries Association, Silvassa on 9th March 2017. During the Seminar Shri S. R. Dhanwadkar, Dy. Director & OIC Office of Textile Commissioner, Ahmedabad, Shri J.K. Sahay Asst. Director, Shri Digvijay Kumar, Technical Officer of Regional Office of Textile Office, Ahmedabad briefed the gathering about the various aspects of the Package. Shri Prasant Joshi, Labour Enforcement Officer DNH also assured the co-operation from his office for implementation of the labour reform as stated in the Scheme.
Shri Sanjeev Kapoor, President of FIA, Shri Ajit Yadav, President of DNHI, Shri Rajendra Ku. Pandey, President Alok Industry, appealed to fellow industries to go through the Scheme and to take the benefit of the Scheme.
For the detailed information of the Scheme you all are requested to go through the attachment and view the silent features of the package / scheme. In case of any query you may contact to Regional Office of Textile Commissioner, Ahmedabad or your Association Silvassa Industries & Manufacturer Association for any guidance and support.
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