Representation of Hon'ble Member of Parliament Shri Natubhai G Patel

Representation of Hon'ble Member of Parliament Shri Natubhai G Patel
Friday, July 29, 2016
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Dear all,

As you all are aware that, to represent the common problems and concerns of the Industrial sector of Dadra & Nagar Haveli, a Federation of Industries Association, Silvassa has  been formed, wherein all the three associations i.e. Silvassa Industries Association, D &NH Industries Association and Silvassa Industries & Manufacturing Association are working jointly in the common  interest of industries of Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

On the formation of Federation of Industrial association, the various issues/problems faced by the industries, have been represented from the platform of Federation to various appropriate authorities for its redressal. In the said process the Federation of Industries' Associations has recently met and submitted a representation  to our representative and Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Shri Natubhai G. Patel, and his good self has been briefed about the pathetic conditions of the Industrial sector and has also requested,  to take appropriate measures to retain the Industries in D&NH.

His good self  has also been briefed about the role of Industrial sector, in the socio economic development of this area and he has been also apprised about the role of Industries in generation of employment in this U.T.

It has been suggested by the Federation that, in the consultative process, the representatives of industries should be involved by the Administration  at the initial stage offraming or modification of new and existing rules, guidelines and policies, so that the policies of the Administration, which shall finally notified shall be Industrial and publicfriendly and that shall boost the development of the U.T. of D&NH.

The soft copy of representation dated 16/07/2016 is attached herewith for your information and with request to give your feedback and suggestion on any other issues.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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