Online seminar on Monsoon 2020 and Kharif Crop Prospects on 29th May 2020 (Friday).
Dear all,
Your association SIMA is pleased to inform you that, IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing an online seminar on 'Monsoon 2020 and Kharif Crop Prospects' on Friday, May 29, 2020, from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 pm. The virtual meeting will be on Zoom.
As the world is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic with the lockdowns putting a halt on most of the economic activities such as manufacturing, retail and services But, by and large even during such a challenging time the agricultural activities have remained less affected and are going on, at a slower pace.
Onset and progress of Southwest monsoon impacts agriculture crop prospects in our country. It also exerts an effect on rural life, rural incomes and food inflation. In order to crystal-gaze into the emerging scenario, A panel of experts will discuss SW monsoon forecast, the outlook for major Kharif season crops and steps that would boost output and prices. Policy initiatives needed to advance growers’ interest will also be discussed.
There is NO PARTICIPATION FEE. However, registration is mandatory. On receiving your registration request, VC details will be shared.
For registration and for any query please contact Ms Anita Naik at or visit IMC website
Thanking you,
With Regards,
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association
Narendra Trivedi
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