Electors Verification Program (EVP) from 1st September 2019 to 15th October 2019 in DNH.

Electors Verification Program (EVP) from 1st September 2019 to 15th October 2019 in DNH.
Monday, October 7, 2019
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is pleased to inform you that, UT Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli is campaigning Electors Verification Program (EVP) from 1st September 2019 to 15th October 2019 as per the directives of Hon’ble Election Commission of India, New Delhi.

This campaign has been initiated to verify and authenticate the elector’s details including Mobile Numbers, Email ID by producing a supportive document i.e. Indian Passport, Driving License, Aadhar Card, Ration Card, Govt. ID Proof, Bank Passbook or farmer’s ID Card.

The citizen can update their details under Electors Verification Programme through the following channels.

1.       Voters Helpline Mobile App (download from playstore)

2.       NVSP Portal (www.nvsp.in)

3.       By visiting Common Service Centres (CSCs) at following places

(Dudhani, Randha, Khanvel, Dapada, Kilvani, Naroli, Dadra, Samarvani, Silvassa, Rakholi, Amboli, Galonda, Kharadpada & Sayli)

4.       Voters Helpline Number 1950 (only for Physically Disabled only)

Once, the voters will be registered, they will avail the following benefits:

1.       Permanent Login facility for registered voters

2.       Family living together will be grouped at one polling station.

3.       Regular SMS based information /alerts

4.       Personalize contact with BLOs / EROs

5.       No deletion without your permission

6.       During election all election related information will be sent on your Mobile/Email.

Please go through the brochure for more information, TO VIEW THE BROCHURE PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Therefore, your association SIMA appeals all the colleague industries to ensure that their all workers/employees are registered in Electors Verification Program (EVP) with correction information. Specially, all the HR Managers are requested to organize Electors Verification Program (EVP) in their premises, so that all workers will be registered online in the programme.

For any query/help, please Call Shri Jayraj Thakor, Cell No. 9662963669, Room No. 103, Mamlatdar Office, Silvassa.

For information regarding Electors Verification Programme in Gujarati, please see the following video.


Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association 

Narendra Trivedi 

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