To attain for launching of the various schemes in the UT of DNH

To attain for launching of the various schemes in the UT of DNH
Friday, May 8, 2015
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Dear all,

Your association has received an invitation from "Union Territory Level Banker's Committee" of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. The scanned copy of the invitation along with detail programme is attached herewith. As we all know that, on 9th May 2015 evening Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modiji shall dedicate "Pradhan Mantri Surakha Bima Yojana", "Athal Pension Yojana" and "Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana" to the nation.

On the occasion of dedication of the above schemes to the nation by Hon'ble Prime Minister, the "Union Territory Level Banker's Committee" has organised a programme, wherein  Hon'ble Union Minister of State- Tribal Affairs Shri Mansukhbhai D Vasava shall launch the said schemes in the Union Territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli in the presence of Shri Ashish Kundra, IAS, Hon'ble Administrator, DNH & DD, Shri Natubhai G Patel, Hon'ble Member of Parliament, DNH, Shri Sandeep Kumar, IAS, Hon'ble Development Commissioner, DNH & DD.

On this occasion of the launching of the schemes in the Union Territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli, you are cordially invited to attain the function on 9th May 2015, Saturday at Stadium Ground Silvassa from 5.15 PM to 7.25 PM.

As these schemes are launched in the interest downtrodden people of the country and we welcome and support these schemes. These schemes shall provide a social security to the ignored poor people of the country and their families. So, we appeal to all the fellow industries to remain present on the occasion and help the Government, Administration and UTLBC for wide publicity of the schemes to the common man and shoulder our responsibility.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi

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