Some modifications/alternations and additions to the previous Covid-19 order.

Some modifications/alternations and additions to the previous Covid-19 order.
Saturday, June 26, 2021
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Dear all 

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith an  Order No. DMU/2020/CR. 92/DisM-1, dated 25/06/2021, issued by the Department of Revenue and Forest, Disaster Management, Relief and Rehabilitation, Mantralaya, Mumbai Government of Maharashtra. 

Vide the order, new variants like delta, delta plus etc. have come to spread and are fuelling the potentiality of imminent (4-6 weeks), more severe third wave with wider geographical area and this VOC has been found in Maharashtra - in Ratnagiri, Jalgaon and other districts, requiring stricter restrictions in general to contain the spread of this virus.

Therefore, the State Disaster Management Authority has made some modifications/ alternations and additions to the previous order, to be promulgated for compliance by all. 

To view the order, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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