SIMA is going to organize a First Aid Training Program.

SIMA is going to organize a First Aid Training Program.
Saturday, September 30, 2023
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Dear all,

We are pleased to inform you that, your association SIMA is going to organize a First Aid Training Program on 11th October 2023 in the Conference Hall, Danudyog Sahakari Sangh, Opp. Hirvavan Garden, Piparia, Silvassa. ST John Ambulance India will nominate the faculty to impart the First Aid Training Programme.

Definition of First Aid:

The treatment given to the patient during medical emergency that may be arising out of illness or accident, before a doctor comes to the site or the patient is transferred to the doctor is called as first aid treatment.


  1. To save the life.

  2. Preventing further deterioration of health

  3. Indirect help for early recovery and to reduce period of hospitalization

  4. Requirements of first aider

  5. How to handle the victim / Way to handle to patient

  6. Examination of the serious patient.

  7. Assessment of blood flow: (Shock)

To view the topics to be covered during the training programme, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Important Notice


11/10/2023 (Wednesday)


10:00 AM to 05:00 PM


Conference Hall, Danudyog Sahakari Sangh, Piparia


30 Seats Available


Rs. 2000/- (incl. all taxes) per participant


02 Certificates (Common Certificate and ST John Ambulance Certificate)


02 Nos. of Passport size photographs are required 

Last date of Nomination:

9th October 2023

Registration Link:


All the colleague industries are requested to nominate their employees on or before 9th October 2023 as there are limited seats. Registration will be done on First Come First Served Basis.  After payment of Training Fees of Rs.2000/- per participant, a confirmation of mail will be sent to your email ID. The registered / confirmed participants are only allowed to participate in the training programme. 

The Bank details of Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association is as under:

A / C NO :  0224102000010663, 
IFSC CODE :  IBKL0000224,

You are requested make payment though banker cheque or NEFT, a screenshot may be shared to your association for confirmation.

The profile and certifications of ST John Ambulance India are attached herewith for your kind reference, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association   

Narendra Trivedi
General Secretary

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