Revised Welfare Schemes under the BOCW (RE & CS) Act, 1966: Notification issued by Labour Department

Revised Welfare Schemes under the BOCW (RE & CS) Act, 1966: Notification issued by Labour Department
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith a Notification issued by Deputy Secretary (Labour), Labour Department, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Silvassa vide Notification No. LEO/ BOCW/SWB/661/2019 dated 14.06.2019.

In compliance with the Model Scheme for the welfare of the Building and Other Construction Workers and the Action Plan for strengthening the implementation machinery of the Government of India, Ministry of Labour and Employment and in partial modification of Notification No. ADM/LEO/SWB/169/2012 dated 03/02/2012, the “Dadra & Nagar Haveli Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board” revised the various welfare schemes. 

Your association is pleased to inform you that, the Board has extended the financial assistance in welfare schemes and also introduce some other benefits to the member of the board.  The registered building and other construction workers will get the benefit of the various welfare schemes.

The key highlights of the direct benefit and indirect benefit to the construction workers by the DNH BOCW Welfare Board are as follows:

  1. Health and Maternity Cover: Enrolment for Ayushman Bharat, Paid Maternity Leave & financial assistance of Rs. 10000/- per delivery for up to two deliveries to the wife of registered construction worker.
  2. Pension : Rs. 1500/- pm after completing 60 years
  3. Assistance for construction of residential house
  4. Disability Pension/ Assistance / Support: Rs. 3000/- pm
  5. Grant for the purchase of Tools: Rs. 10000/- pm
  6. Payment of funeral assistance: Rs. 10000/- to the nominees/ dependents.
  7. Payment of Death Benefit: upto Rs: 4,00000/-
  8. Financial Assistance for education: upto two children
  9. Financial assistance for Marriage
  10. Insurance Scheme : PMSBY and PMJJBY
  11. Skill Development : PMKVY
  12. Bus Pass : 50% of travelling cost
  13. Promoting Registration: sleeping mat, blanket and mosquito net
  14. Festival Travelling allowances: once in a year
  15. Distribution of Female Menstrual Hygiene Kit

Please go through the Notification for detailed welfare schemes of the welfare board. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE NOTIFICATION.

This is for your kind information.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association, 

Narendra Trivedi,

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