Public Notice by DNHPDCL

Public Notice by DNHPDCL
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
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Dear all,

Your association has enclosed herewith the soft copy of a Public Notice issued by Deputy Manager(Accounts), DNH Power Distribution Corporation Ltd vide Notice No DNHPDCL/ DM(A/cs)/2015/35/175, dated 30.11.2015.

As per the Notice, it is hereby informed that, the consumers of DNH Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. can view their Bill online by creating their own user account on the official website of the Corporation This online facilities are especially provided for the benefit of the consumer, so that the consumer has no need to wait for hard copy of their Energy Bill and Consumer can view any time their Energy Bills  online and take printout of it and can make payment immediately  online by using online payment facility, cheque, DD, Cash etc., so that payment on or before due dates can be made and consequences of delay payment can be avoided.

This facility is offered in larger interest of the consumers of DNHPDCL, so that consumer can generate his user account and can pay the bill amount instantly through the  various mode of payment. 

We congratulate Hon'ble Chairman, Hon'ble Managing Director and team of DNHPDCL for this initiative.

So, all the colleague industries are hereby requested to take the benefit of this facility.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association     

Narendra Trivedi

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