Public Hearing on 8th Sept 2016 by Honl. JERC in respect of determination of Additional Surcharge...

Public Hearing on 8th Sept 2016 by Honl. JERC in respect of determination of Additional Surcharge...
Monday, September 5, 2016
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Dear all,
As you are aware, DNH Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. has filed a petition vide bearing No. 205 of 2016 before Hon’ble Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission, Gurgaon  for determination of Additional Surcharge to be recovered from Open Access Consumers. Hon’ble JERC has fixed a Public Hearing on 08.09.2016 at 11:00 am at Hotel Yatri Niwas, Silvassa wherein general public, open access and non-open access consumers are requested to remain present and file their suggestions and objections in respect of the said petition. The scanned copy of Public Notice is enclosed herewith.  

As the matter is very vital for both OA and NOA categories, all units of our member Associations, SIA, SIMA and DNHIA are requested to attend the hearing positively. Attendance in large number is must to ensure protection of long term interests of both categories.

Submission of the Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa shall be based upon following principles:-

1.    Every business entity has right to procure all business inputs including power at best possible minimum rates.

2.    Business survives when, “Co-existence” is respected.

3.    Advantage of ‘A’ will not become disadvantage of ‘B’.

4.    DNHPDCL should also operate in true business spirit and should find ways and means to get rid of costlier power.

 Let us come together, united, and be focused to achieve that, DNHPDCL agrees or Hon’ble JERC directs it to surrender at least 200 MW costlier power at minimum surrender cost, as early as possible.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,

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