Orders issued by Honl. Administrator, DD and DNH
Dear all,
Hon'ble Administrator, DD & DNH has issued an Order No. 12(B)(166)/2002-ADM/805, Dated: 26/08/2015. Vide the said order Hon'ble Administrator, DD & DNH has ordered that, Shri Sanjay Kumar, Chief Engineer and Superintending Engineer, PWD shall hold the additional charge of Member Secretary PDA, DNH, Associate Town Planner (ATP), DNH and Joint Secretary Urban Development, DNH in addition to his own duties.
Shri P.P. Parmar, ATP, Daman has been relieved from the additional charge of ATP and Member Secretary PDA, DNH. The scanned copy of the Order No. 12(B)(166)/2002-ADM/805, Dated: 26/08/2015 is enclosed herewith.
In another Order No. 1/272/96-PER/Vol.IV/Part-I/1467, dtd:20/08/2015, the Hon'ble Administrator, DD & DNH has kept the Order No. 1/272/96-PER/Vol.IV/Part-I/1448, dtd:19/08/2015 in abeyance, and accordingly transfer of Shri Tanvir Ahmed, DANICS, Deputy Collector, Diu from Diu to Dadra & Nagar Haveli has been kept in abeyance till further order
And Smt. Priyanka Kumari, Deputy Director (Transport), DNH shall look after Employment Officer, DNH, Deputy Secretary, DNH for Power, Health, PWD, etc. as per the order in addition to her own duties.
Shri Nitin Kumar Jindal, RDC, Silvassa shall look after Deputy Director (Tourism), DNH and Chief Officer, Silvassa Municipal Corporation in addition to his own duties.
The substantive charge of Shri Rakesh Kumar, DANICS shall be Assistant Registrar Co. Operative Societies, Diu and he shall hold all the additional charges assigned to him vide Order dated 19-08-2015 referred to above, except the charge of Deputy Collector, Diu which shall continue to be held by Shri Tanvir Ahmed till further orders.
The scanned copy of Order No. 1/272/96-PER/Vol.IV/Part-I/1467, dtd:20/08/2015 is enclosed herewith.
This is for your kind information.
Thanking you,
With regards,
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,
Narendra Trivedi,
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