Observation of silence

Observation of silence
Saturday, January 30, 2016
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Dear all,

Your association is in receipt of a letter No. DIC/GNL/2013/143 dated 29/01/2016 from General Manager, District Industries Centre, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Silvassa. The soft copy of the same is enclosed herewith.

Vide circular no. 7-3(4)1986-ADM-II/176 dated 28.01.2016, regarding standing instruction for observation of silence on 30.01.2016 at 11.00 am in memory of these gave their lives in struggle for Indian freedom. 

So you all are requested to bring the above standing instruction to all industries under intimation to the undersigned without fail for observing 2 minute silence as above.

Thanking you,
With regards, 
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    
Narendra Trivedi 

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