List of benefits available to the salaried persons.

List of benefits available to the salaried persons.
Monday, November 18, 2019
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is sharing herewith a table showing the list of benefits available to the salaried persons which are available on the web portal of Income Tax Department, Government of India.

Salaried persons constitute a large chunk of total taxpayers in India and their contribution to total tax collection is substantial. The document includes a brief introduction and tax treatment of various allowances and perquisites available to an employee, inter-alia, house rent allowance, children education allowances and so forth.

The table detailed the List of benefits available to Salaried Persons for AY 2020-21 which includes House Rent Allowance, Children Education Allowance, Hostel Expenditure Allowance, Transport Allowance, and other allowances.

To view the Table, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

This is for your kind information. 

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association   

Narendra Trivedi 


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