Circular issued by Employee's Provident Fund Organisation regarding filing of claims

Circular issued by Employee's Provident Fund Organisation regarding filing of claims
Friday, June 15, 2018
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Dear All,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith a circular issued by Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Employee's Provident Fund Organisation , Ministry of Labour & Employment , Govt of India by Circular No: EPFO/MP/IND/Misc/75 dated on 13.06.2018.

Vide the circular it is notified that for filling of claims it is necessary to link UAN with AADHAR. Although it is observed in many cases that name and date of birth furnished by the employer at the time of joining differs from details of the member in AADHAR, this leads to rejection of the request of filing claims.

In such cases, the member can get the details corrected either of AADHAR or UAN. For carrying out the correction in date of birth/name can file online request or on the member portal.Request of member for correction in name or date of birth less than one year can be filed online without any supporting documents and more than one year should be accompanied by supporting documents. ​

For further information regarding the circular, you are requested to go through the attachment.

Thanking you,

With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,

Narendra Trivedi,


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