Big Cleaning Day by Huntamaki PPL Ltd

Big Cleaning Day by Huntamaki PPL Ltd
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
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Dear All,

 We are forwarding herewith the copy of the mail which we have received from our esteem member M/s. Huntamaki PPL Ltd. We are very pleased to inform you that,  our member M/s. Huntamaki PPL Ltd. has organized "Big Cleaning Day" on 1st Oct 2014 at their Silvassa plant, Umerkui  between 10 am to 12 pm.

The company has invited us to participate in the "Big Cleaning Day" and to motivate the volunteer and employees of the company to make "Clean India Mission" successful.

We appeal all our fellow industries to come forward and make our unit, our surrounding, our town and our nation clean and hygienic. We will have to put our efforts to make the mission of our Hon'ble Prime Minister for "Clean India" successful  and we are sure that with the efforts of every citizen of the country our India will emerge as a neat and clean country.

We hereby congratulate M/s. Huntamaki PPL Ltd and we are sure that their "Big Cleaning Day" will achieve a great success. 

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi 

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