VBCH Circular

VBCH Circular
Saturday, November 8, 2014
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Dear All,

Your Association has enclosed herewith, the scanned copy of the Circular, issued by Member Secretary (RKS), Shri Vinoba Bhave Civil Hospital, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Silvassa.  Vide the said circular, it is informed that Dr. Sanjay Nagral, Gasteroenterologist Surgeon (Specialised in Liver Transplant Surgery) and Dr. Abha Nagral, Gasteroenterologist and Hepatologist, who are associated Jaslok Hospital and Bhatia Hospital will be visiting Shri Vinoba Bhave Civil Hospital, Silvassa on 23/11/2014, (Sunday) from 10.00 A.M. onwards. 

So, it is requested to all the industrial colleagues to give wide publicity in their factories and nearby area so that needy patients can take the benefit of the same and register their names at the enquiry of Shri Vinoba Bhave Civil Hospital, Silvassa for free check up (Tel.0260-2642940/2630102).

This is for your kind information. 

Thanking you, 
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association 

Narendra Trivedi 

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