Training Session on 5S organized on 23rd Sept 2015 by SIMA

Training Session on 5S organized on 23rd Sept 2015 by SIMA
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
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Dear Colleague Industries,

The 1st Training Session of SIMA on 5S was organised on 23rd September 2015 at Kamat Resort. We are delighted to inform you that, your association SIMA got the tremendous response in this session from the colleague industries. This response of the industries has boosted our zeal and inspired us to organize such training session on other vital topics. The said training session was very informative and worthwhile and has widen the vision of the participants on the subject. 

We are sure that, you shall share your suggestion and feedback  with our association, to enable us to improve such training session and can impart the knowledge on such topic in more interesting and presentable manner. By such session, the new visions, ideas, techniques, information which can enhance the knowledge on our industries colleagues and their staff. 

PLEASE CLICK HERE  to view some photographs of the Training Session.

We also convey our thanks to Mr. Sunil Hulsurkar of Standardisation Solutions for imparting the wonderful and informative training to the participants. 

We once again extend our thanks to all the colleague industries and participants for their support and motivation in organizing the session. We are sure that, your association shall get such response and support in our next sessions which shall be organized at regular interval. 

Our next Training Session shall be on the topic "Contract Labour" and the said session shall be conducted by Shri Ravi N Pandey, an Expert Labour Consultant of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. The date, time and venue of the said session shall be informed in due course.   

Thanking you,
With regards,  

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi, 

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