Though the movement of persons in UT of DNH and DD is eased out, please take precautionary measurers

Though the movement of persons in UT of DNH and DD is eased out, please take precautionary measurers
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
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Dear Industrial friends,

The UT Administration of DNH and DD has ceased the pass system for entry and exit of persons. We are very much Thankful to the Administration, that now People are relieved.

Though the Administration has put end to the pass system the epidemic Covid-19 is still active in the country.

So, considering the epidemic of the corona, all industries, their employees and the family members should strictly follow the precautionary measures to save themselves from the epidemic.

So, please follow the prescribed norms in your factories/home and maintain proper Social Distancing, use of Sanitizers, Thermal Screening of employees, Proper Hygiene in factory premises, proper Face Covering, regular Handwashing and other measures and avoid gathering. Please do not move out of your home or your factory without any important work in the interest of the safety of yourself and others.

Please cooperate and follow the instructions and direction of Corona warriors and police to control the spreading of the epidemic.

By these measures, we can continue and win our fight against Corona.

Thanking you,
With Regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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