Power Tariff Order for the Fy 2017-18 passed by Honl. JERC.

Power Tariff Order for the Fy 2017-18 passed by  Honl. JERC.
Saturday, June 10, 2017
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Dear All,

Your association SIMA is pleased to inform you that, the vigorous efforts of your association SIMA in coordination with SIA and DNHIA, we have succeeded to get reduction in Power Tariff for the Fy 2017-18.

 Hon’ble Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission has considered our joint representation and has passed the order on ARR petition filed by DNHPDCL and vide the order Hon’ble JERC has reduced the Power Tariff of the small consumers and has given relief to industries and particularly to MSME units of UT of DNH who are non-open consumers.

However your association along with other associations are in process of studying the order in detail and soon your association SIMA will share the salient features of the order.

By mean time, we are forwarding herewith the copy of the order issued by Hon’ble JERC for your ready reference.

To view/download the order PLEASE CLICK HERE.

SIMA conveys its hearties thanks to all members and colleagues industries for exhibiting the unity and solidarity by them.

SIMA hopes that, in other issues also, we shall agitate against the issue, strongly and unitedly.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,

Narendra Trivedi, 

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