Petition filed by Federation of Industries in respect of recovery of FPCCA charges from NOA.

Petition filed by Federation of Industries in respect of recovery of FPCCA charges from NOA.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
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Dear all,

Yesterday i.e. on 20th Dec 2016 your association SIMA has already informed  that, our association Silvassa Industries Manufacturers Association along with SIA & DNHIA has jointly filed a petition before Appellate Tribunal For Electricity (APTEL), Delhi whereby the illegal, undue recovery of excessive charges in form of FPPCA from Non-Open Access Consumers by DNHPDCL has been challenged.

So, your association has challenged the illegal recovery by DNHPDCL in form of FPPCA and the matter is now  sub-judice and our legal battle is on, which will take its own course. In mean time we are filing an application before JERC to restrain DNHPDCL from recovery of this illegal and undue charges in form of FPPCA from Non Open Access Consumers. Though DNHPDCL has not faced any additional power purchase charges, still DNHPDCL has illegally recovered the under recovered fixed charges which are supposed to be recovered through energy charges from the Open Access Consumers is pass on to the Non Open Access Consumers blatantly in violation of the FPPCA formula.  

The copy of petition filed by the Federation of Industries is enclosed herewith for your ready reference. So you all are requested to go through the same.

 As you all know, that your association is collecting a very nominal fee from members to run the association with minimum expenses. But in case of such huge legal battle the association shall have to incur very huge amount in form of legal fees and other expenses. So, Silvassa Industries Manufacturers Association hereby appeals to its fellow industries/members to voluntarily come forward and contribute their share towards the expenses of this legal battle. We are sure that, member industries shall contribute in this legal battle for its judicious conclusion.

Thanking you,

​​With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,​

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