Notice from DNHPDCL for Power Shut Down

Notice from DNHPDCL for Power Shut Down
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
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Dear all,

Your association is forwarding herewith a power shut down notice issued by DNH power distribution corporations limited, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Silvassa.

Vide Notice No. DNHPDCL/NZ/AE/2014/16/Part-3/4616 power supply will not be available to all, EHV/HT/LT and Domestic, Commercial, Agricultural and other Consumer on date 22/12/18 Saturday, Timing - 8:00 Hrs to 18:00 Hrs. The Effected area will be 66/11 KV piparia substation & 66/11 KV Amli substation & 66 KV Amli Silli Line.

For more details please go through the attachment

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,

Narendra Trivedi,

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