Most Urgent: Online registration of PIBORs under PMW Rule, 2016 (as amended) before 31st July

Most Urgent: Online registration of PIBORs under PMW Rule, 2016 (as amended) before 31st July
Saturday, July 30, 2022
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is in receipt of a letter from Member Secretary, Pollution Control Committee, DNH & DD vide No. PCC/DDD/PW(Part-V)/22-23/114 dated 27/07/2022 regarding online registration of PIBORs under PMW Rule, 2016 (as amended).

As per the letter, it is informed that the Online Web Portal for the Registration of Producers, Importers, Brand Owners & Recyclers (Plastic Waste Processors) under Plastic Waste Management Rule, 2016 (as amended) has been developed and made live by the Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi. The details are already available on the UT Administration’s website.

Therefore, all the industries failing under the ambit of the Plastic Waste Management Rule, 2016 (as amended) including those that have been granted Registration offline by PCC, DNH & DD are directed to reapply for registration through the newly developed portal (

Further, as per the letter, the registration granted offline by Pollution Control Committee, DNH & DD shall be valid only up to 31st July 2022 after which disciplinary action as seem fit (including imposition of Environmental Compensation & Closure of industrial establishment) shall be initiated against defaulting units.

To view the letter, PLEASE CLICK HERE

Thanking you,
With regards,

 For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,         

Narendra Trivedi, 

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