Meeting scheduled on 7th February on 13.00 Hrs in Conference Hall, Secretariat, Silvassa.

Meeting scheduled on 7th February on 13.00 Hrs in Conference Hall, Secretariat, Silvassa.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
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Dear all,
Your association SIMA is in receipt of Meeting Notice No. Secy/Tour/DNH/MISC/01/02 dated 05/02/19. The scanned copy of the meeting notice is enclosed herewith.

Vide notice, a Meeting of all Officers of Department of Forest, Industries, Tourism and Stakeholder of Industrial Associations and Hotel Associations is scheduled on 7th February on 13:00Hrs in Conference Hall, Secretariat, Silvassa to discuss the matter related to the Tourism Policy of D&NH, which is being enacted shortly.

So, all the colleague industries are requested to attend the meeting for a fruitful discussion.

For more details please go through the attachment.

This is for your kind information.

Thanking you,
With regards
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,

Narendra Trivedi,

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