Lean Manufacturing Effectiveness Scheme

Lean Manufacturing Effectiveness Scheme
Monday, October 12, 2015
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Dear all,

Quality Council of India (QCI) is an autonomous body set up jointly by the Government of India and the Indian Industry represented by the three premier industry associations i.e. CII, FICCI and ASSOCHAM, to establish and operate national accreditation structure and promote quality through National Quality Campaign. The Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, is the nodal ministry for QCI.

Ever changing globalized environment has been posing challenges of competitiveness and survival to all the constituents of the economy. It has been more so for MSMEs in the manufacturing sector. Thus, efficiency and effectiveness should go hand in hand. National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET), a constituent Board of QCI is playing a pivotal role at the national level in adoption and adherence to quality standards.

Lean Manufacturing Effectiveness SchemeNABET, QCI has been appointed as National Monitoring and Implementing Unit (NMIU) for up-scaled version of Lean Manufacturing Competiveness Scheme of MSME. Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has launched ‘Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme’ under National Manufacturing Competitiveness Program. Strong performance of this sector is necessary for us to achieve the objective of rapid and inclusive growth.  The scheme aims at enabling MSME’s for elimination of non-value-added activities, resulting in a more “lean,” competitive, agile, cost reduction, cycle time reduction, “waste” minimization, and be market-responsive company through implementation of Lean Tools and Techniques.

Under the scheme, clusters are being formed comprising of 6 -10 units, wherein Lean consultants implements various Lean Tools and Techniques depending on the need and requirement of Industry for a period of 18 months. Fees of lean Consultant is being subsidised in the scheme. 80% fees of Lean Consultant is being borne by Government of India while 20% cost of lean consultants needs to be borne by Industry. 

Click here to view the presentation mentioning the Salient Features of New Scheme of Lean Manufacturing for MSME Sector. So, colleague industries are hereby requested to go through link mentioned here-in-above and study presentation carefully.

After study the presentation, if members feel that, the said programme shall be useful for the industries of our territory, we can pursue with the National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET) and can organize the programme on Lean Manufacturing Effectiveness Scheme in Dadra & Nagar Haveli at convenient date and time. Please give your feedback to your association SIMA to enable us to proceed further in the matter.  

Thanking you,
​​With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,

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