Celebration of Vanmohotsav 2017 to be celebrated in the month of July

Celebration of Vanmohotsav 2017 to be celebrated in the month of July
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
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Dear all,

Your association is in receipt of a letter from Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa. The copy of the letter is enclosed herewith.

Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa has received a letter from Forest Department, DNH regarding celebration of  “Vanmohotsav 2017”. The month of July is to be celebrated as “Vanmohotsav 2017” hence Forest Department, DNH has appealed to all the industries of Dadra & Nagar Haveli to actively participate in this “Vanmohotsav 2017” and plant seedlings in their premises and neighboring areas during the month of July 2017. PLEASE CLICK HERE, to view the scanned copy of the letter received by Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa is enclosed herewith for your ready reference.

We know that, many of industries are already working on this drive and are taking of the project of massive tree plantation in their premises. So, it is suggested that such industries may send the detailed report of the plantation programmes undertaken by them to FIA to enable us to prepare a consolidated report and furnish to the Forest Department.

Forest Department, DNH has also requested to plant the seedlings at mass scale during this “Vanmohotsav 2017” and the department is also ready to guide and help the industries if required. The Forest Department has also offered the seedlings from their Nurseries @ Rs. 7/- per seedlings.

So, it is hereby requested to all fellow industries to plant seedlings at mass scale and for any help & guidance, you may contact the respective association and to the respective persons of the Forest Department who’s name and contact details are mentioned in the attachment.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,

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