Cashless Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Cashless Dadra and Nagar Haveli
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is enclosing herewith the Minutes of the Meeting held on 29/11/2016 in Conference Hall, Secretariat Hall, Silvassa under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Administrator, Dadra & Nagar Haveli. In the said meeting Hon’ble Administrator informed that, it is the directives of Govt. of India that Administration, Bankers, Industries, Traders and general public of Dadra & Nagar Haveli shall work in coordination and ensure that UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli go cashless in all its transaction by 31st December 2016. In this respect Hon’ble Administrator sought cooperation from all the colleague industries of the associations, all the executives of Banks and general public in achieving the mentioned objective in a time bound manner and also requested everyone to adhere to deadlines.

It was informed that, UT Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli is preparing an action plan in creating a cashless economy in this UT and for that the Bankers will have to play a very important role by demonstration of technology in resident complexes, market places, industrial estates and villages by which the UT will witness behavioral change in citizen for accepting electronic transfer of money as preferred more of day to day transaction. For this the bankers were directed to outreach programmes to all industrial estates, villages, residential complexes, market places, etc. The Banker will also focus for opening bank accounts of every citizens, labours, so that they can have access to bank accounts which will help the people to have various mode of digital payment systems like e-POS, M-wallet, UPI, USSD, etc. 

The industrial units of UT were asked to organize a special camp in their industrial estate along with respective banks to ensure that all the employees & labours working in their units  open bank accounts, so that they can also have cashless transaction. For issuance of ID proof, Administration shall ensure to organize camps wherein Aadhar Cards shall be issued instantly to open bank account. It was also requested to industries to issue payment by cheque only to their labour contractors and also ensure that the contract labour also get payment from contractor through bank only.

In response, the Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa which includes Silvassa Industries Association, DNH Industries Association and Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association welcome the campaign of cashless transaction in our UT and assure the full cooperation and support to this move. It was informed that, many industries are giving salary and wages through bank accounts to their workmen and employees, but in case of casual and contract workers they may face hassle  in opening of bank accounts of such casual and contract workers in absence of their KYCs. Hon’ble Labour Commissioner/Collector, Dadra & Nagar Haveli made it very clear that, no payment to even and casuals and contract workers in cash will be allowed and the Administration shall take up the matter with concern bank to ensure hassle free support from the bank in opening the bank account of such casual and contract workers with minimum KYCs. 

So, all the colleague industries are hereby requested to take note that, in no circumstances any industries shall pay salaries, wages to their workers & employees in cash. It was further informed that, if any Bank is not cooperating in the exercise of account opening the same should brought to the notice of Administration for its appropriate redressal and to facilitate an expeditious process.

In this connection, the Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa has prepared a detailed note on the issue which is attached herewith. So, all the industries are requested to go through the note and adhere the instructions of the Administration. As we all know that, this is dream of our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji to have cashless transaction all over India and for that entire machineries of Govt of India and our Administration are equipped to implement the goal in time bound manner, it is also our duty to cooperate and support to Govt. of India and local Administration to make the mission successful. In case of any problems or guidance you may contact the concern persons of SIA, DNHIA and SIMA.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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