An invitation for awareness programme on Apprenticeship Training at Blue Star

An invitation for awareness programme on Apprenticeship Training at Blue Star
Thursday, October 6, 2016
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Dear all,

We are forwarding herewith the letter received by your association SIMA from the Department of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Administration of D&NH,Silvassa,  No.ITI/EST/ATS/2016/371 dated 03/10/2016. Vide the said letter Principle/Asstt. Apprenticeship Advisor, Administration of D&NH, Silvassa has informed that a workshop and  Awareness Programme on Apprenticeship training along with launching of National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) is scheduled on 07/10/2016.

The Department of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship has invited the members of SIMA or their representatives to attend the awareness programme at time, date and venue mentioned herein below.

Aim                 : National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme and apprenticeship web portal
Date                : 07/10/2016
Time                : 11:00 A.M.
Venue              : Blue Star Limited, Dadra, Demni Road, D& NH

So all the colleague members and their representatives are requested to attend the programme to ensure that National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) is launched and implemented in our U.T. of DNH successfully.

For more details you are requested to go through the attachment.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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