Suggestion on Investment Promotion Scheme - 2015 for amendment or review of schemes

Suggestion on Investment Promotion Scheme - 2015 for amendment or review of schemes
Saturday, December 23, 2017
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Dear all,

Your association is forwarding herewith an email received from Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa regarding suggestion/inputs on Investment Promotion Scheme-2015.

As you are aware that, UT Administration of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli had launched Investment Promotion Scheme, 2015 (IPS-2015)- UTs of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli vide its Notification No. DIC/IP-DDDNH-SCHEMES/2015/224, Dated: 03/07/2015, to attract new investment and to induce the existing industries to go for expansion. Vide the said Investment Promotion Scheme, Administration focused to provide a conducive atmosphere,  introduce new schemes to the new and existing industries particularly MSMEs & Textile sectors and to accelerate the industrialization of our UTs.

Now, under the leadership of Shri Prafulbhai Patel, Hon’ble Administrator, DD & DNH, Administration is going to revise the existing Investment Promotion Scheme to make these UTs a preferred destination of business which helps proactive support for development of MSMEs, Textile Sector, increase local entrepreneurships including Employment of youth, value addition on local primary sources and increasing the share of Manufacturing in GDP.

In this regards, a letter is received from the General Manger, District Industries Centre, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Silvassa vide letter No. DIC/5(466)/IPS-2015/2017/1930, dated 19/12/2017. The scanned copy of the letter, notification of Investment Promotion Scheme-2015 and brochure on Ease of Doing Business are attached herewith for your ready reference.   

All the colleague industries are hereby requested to send their valuable suggestions on the Investment Promotion Scheme like, capital investment subsidy, demand of new schemes, procedures & requirement of Skill Development.

All the colleague industries are requested to send their suggestions to your association SIMA latest by 26th December 2017 to submit suggestion to the Administration to make the schemes investment friendly. 

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association, ​

Narendra Trivedi,

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