Order issued by DHN Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. on 25.09.2019, Wednesday.

Order issued by DHN Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. on 25.09.2019, Wednesday.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith an Order No. DNHPDCL/33/2018/HR & Admin/1930, dated: 25.09.2019 issued by DHN Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. The scanned copy of Order is enclosed herewith for your ready reference.

As per the Order, Smt. Sandhya Dilip on deputation & currently holding the charges of Assistant Engineer (Billing) in DNHPDCL and who is currently on Earned Leave from 19.09.2019 to 27.09.2019 suffixed by 28 – 29.09.2019 is relieved from all her charges in DHNPDCL and repatriated to her Parent department w.e.f 30.09.2019 (AN).

Smt. Vaishali Verma, Junior Engineer (Ele.) shall look after the charges held by Smt. Sandhya Dilip in addition to her own duties & until further notice.

This shall come in to effect from 30.09.2019 (AN).

This is for your kind information

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi


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