Online Consent Management Monitoring System by PCC, DD & DNH, a step towards Ease of Doing Business

Online Consent Management Monitoring System by PCC, DD & DNH, a step towards Ease of Doing Business
Saturday, September 3, 2016
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is pleased to inform you that the Pollution Control Committee DD & DNH has launched “Online Consent Management Monitoring System” on 15th August 2016. The said system has been developed by NIC, New Delhi to ensure that consent to establish, consent to operate and renewal of consent are granted in time bound and in transparent way. This system allows the Industries for the online submission of their applications and the applicants can also know the status of their application. Applicant can also submit the clarification of any query, documents, fees, and periodical returns online in respect of their application. The copy of guideline brochure on OCMMS of DD & DNH is attached herewith.

The features of OCMMS, online registration of the industry, login process, etc. are briefly mentioned in the said brochure. So all the Colleague industries are hereby requested to opt the OCMMS system to obtain consent to establish, consent to operate and renewal of their consent instead of submitting hard copy manually to PCC.

Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association congratulates and thanks  Hon’ble Administrator, Hon’ble Chairman (PCC), Member Secretary (PCC) and entire team of Pollution Control Committee, DD & DNH for taking initiative to simplify the procedure of getting the consents and renewal online, which will also reduce the paper work. The introduction of “Online Consent Management Monitoring System” is acknowledged by Industrial sector of D&NH as a step towards the ease of doing business.   

This is for your kind information.

Thanking you,
​​With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,​

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