Letter regarding usage of Treated Sewerage Waste Water for Industrial purpose.

Letter regarding usage of Treated Sewerage Waste Water for Industrial purpose.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is in receipt of a letter from the Chief Officer, Silvassa Municipal Council, Silvassa on dated 08.12.2022 regarding usage of Treated Sewerage Waste Water for Industrial purpose.

Vide the letter it is informed that, Silvassa Municipal Council has an operational Sewerage Treatment Plant of 13.00 MLD located at Pipariya Industrial area.

In this regards, it is stated that the huge quantity of subsurface water is exploited for various industrial uses and thereby consuming large reserve of portable water is exhausted. Treated sewerage waste water is generated at Sewerage Treatment Plant which can be used for various industrial purposes. Traditionally, pulp and paper facilities, textile facilities and other facilities using reclaimed water for cooling tower purposes have been the primary users of reclaimed water. However, the industrial use of treated sewerage waste water has grown in a variety of industries ranging from electronics to process industries, food processing as well as a broader adoption by the power generation industry. These industries can also use such water for purposes ranging from process water, boiler feed water and cooling water use to flushing toilets and site irrigation.

Therefore, as a part of environmental and social obligations, you are advised maximum use of treated sewerage waste water as an alternative of portable water in such industries since the quality of treated water is suitable and acceptable as per industrial requirement.

To view the letter, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,

Narendra Trivedi,
General Secretary

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