Udyogniti - Business Seminar

Udyogniti - Business Seminar
Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Dear All,

This is to inform you that, one of our member Standardisation Solution, Silvassa is going to organize a Business Seminar (Udyogniti) in Hindi language at D.G.Valley Resort, Silvassa on 10th October 2015 from 10.00 AM to 2.00 PM. The copy of the brochure and letter are enclosed herewith.

Standardisation Solution have tied up with Udyogniti Training Institute, who are leaders and focused to inspire the entrepreneurs and organisations. The Udyogniti Training Institute are affiliated to MBTB (Maharashtra Business Training Board) and GBTB (Gujarat Business Training Board). They have invented business training in native language. In Silvassa the said Business Seminar "Udyogniti" shall be conducted in Hindi.

Through this Business Training, Entrepreneurs get insight on:

  1. Business growth without expansions and capital investments
  2. Income Growth without compromise on quality and ethics
  3. While having personal time,  Family time and will be able to maintain wellness of self , family and employees

So, interested entrepreneurs are requested to submit their registration along with Registration Fees Rs. 300/- only per person.

We are pleased to inform you that, for the members of SIMA, there is a special discount and instead of Rs.300/-, the SIMA members can register their name only of payment of Rs. 200/- as registration fees.

So, colleague industries and members are requested to submit their registration along with the requisite Registration Fees latest by 8th October 2015 and collect their Registration Passes from association's  office.

Thanking you,
​​With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,​

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