Training Session for dealers by Department of VAT, DNH

Training Session for dealers by Department of VAT, DNH
Sunday, April 26, 2015
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Dear all,

Your association is in receipt of a letter  No. DNH/VAT/ CTMMP/AMDT/ Rules/2011/710 on dtd: 22/04/2016 from Department of Value Added Tax, Administration of DNH. The scanned copy of the said letter and user manual are enclosed herewith.

As we all know that, the Department has taken an initiative and has put its best efforts to ensure that all the applications, requisition of 'C' Forms,  filling of Returns, applications of refunds and other procedures should be provided online to the dealers of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and entire Department should function paperless. By these online procedures, the dealers will be benefited and they can have legal compliance online and in prescribed time limit. The dealer will have to upload the returns and other requisite procedures online and they are not required to visit the Department. The Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association appreciates the initiative of Department of VAT. And SIMA congratulates Hon'ble Commissioner VAT, Deputy Commissioner VAT and entire team of the Department for such initiative. 

Vide the said letter the Department of VAT has informed that, Return (DVAT-16) is going to link with DVAT-30/31/30A/31A by VAT department with effect from 1st April 2015.

The Manual has been already uploaded on Department's Official Website i.e. under Downloads> User guide> DVAT-30/31/31A/30A with DVAT -16.

As these all are online applications, the dealers should get the training and understand how to file the various applications and Returns online. So, in the interest of dealers, the Department of VAT has conveyed a training session for them on 30/04/2015 at 11.00AM, in Conference Hall of Secretariat, Silvassa.

So, it is very necessary for all the fellow members and their commercial persons to understand the online filing of VAT Returns and hence it is requested that, all the follow industrial colleague and the key commercial persons should depute a representative from their end to obtain the training.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi, 

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