Order of CGRF in respect of validity of the Bank Guarantee to be furnished to DNHPDCL

Order of CGRF in respect of validity of the Bank Guarantee to be furnished to DNHPDCL
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
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Dear members,

As you know that, Dadra Nagar Haveli Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. is insisting for Security Deposit of two months in form of Bank Guarantee  valid for 24 months and they are also asking for additional claim period of six months. Thus instead of validity of 24 months, DNHPDCL is insisting for Bank Guarantee having validity of 24 months and additional six months as claim period.

Aggrieved with this unjust demand of DNHPDCL, your association SIMA filed a complaint before the Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum.

Hon'ble  Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum, Daman has passed an order on 18/12/2015, whereby passing an order in favour of member of SIMA as under.

"The DNHPDCL is directed not to ask the members of SIMA to furnish Bank Guarantee having any claim period. DNHPDCL is further directed to remain alert and issue notice to consumers about renewal of their Bank Guarantee well in advance as stipulated JERC Supply Code Regulation No. 11 of 2010."

The scanned copy of the said order passed by CGRF, Daman is attached herewith for your reference. So you are requested to go through the order and furnish the Bank Guarantee to DNHPDCL accordingly.

Your association ensure you that, whenever any such issue arise, if required the association shall also opt the legal remedy to resolve the matter in the interest of members of SIMA.

Thanking you,
With regards,  

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,

Narendra Trivedi, 

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