MSMEs wont need approvals to start business in Rajasthan and Gujarat for the first 3 years.

MSMEs wont need approvals to start business in Rajasthan and Gujarat for the first 3 years.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is pleased to inform all the colleague industries that our neighboring States Gujarat and Rajasthan have notified The Gujarat Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Facilitation Ordinance 2019 and Rajasthan Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (Facilitation of Establishment and Operation) Ordinance, 2019 to attract new investment in their States.

As per the article, Rajasthan has become the first Indian state to allow MSMEs to start projects without any approvals or clearances. Moreover, for three years no inspectors or officials will knock on the doors of their factories. Attempting to attract investment, the Rajasthan Government has notified Rules under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (Facilitation of Establishment and Operation) Ordinance, 2019, that requires an investor to submit only a “declaration of intent” to set up a new enterprise and start work after receiving an “acknowledgment certificate”... TO VIEW THE ORDINANCE, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

In the line of Rajasthan State, Gujarat Government has also approved an ordinance to the MSME Act to give impetus to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The most important clause in the proposed ordinance allows entrepreneurs to start production without waiting for approvals from government agencies and to secure clearances once their business stabilizes. Someone lakh MSMEs get approvals through the industries' commissionerate portal every year. On average, units need permissions from 12 different departments. In most instances, the start of production is delayed by up to three years. In this regard, Gujarat Government has initiated Investor Facilitation Portal i.e. a single-window online platform that acts as the first point of contact for any probable investor in the State of Gujarat. This portal reduces contact between the investor and officials of different departments to nil thus reducing the steps required in getting approval.

Your association SIMA is also sharing herewith the articles published in Times of India and Accommodation Times in this regard for your reference. SIMA hopes that UT Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli should also initiate the above to attract new investments in this territory.

This is for your kind information.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association   

Narendra Trivedi 

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