Letter received from Gujarat Gas Ltd, Silvassa regarding Integrity of a natural gas pipeline at DNH.

Letter received from Gujarat Gas Ltd, Silvassa regarding Integrity of a natural gas pipeline at DNH.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA received a Letter No. GGL/DNH/19-20/04, dated 23rd February 2020 from Gujarat Gas Limited, Silvassa regarding “Integrity of a natural gas pipeline at Dadra & Nagar Haveli”.

 All are aware that, Gujarat Gas Limited has undertaken the underground gas distribution in Dadra & Nagar Haveli and also started gas distribution in various area. Vide this letter Gujarat Gas Ltd has drawn kind attention of industries towards the grave concern about recent damages to the underground gas distribution pipeline network. It has come to their notice that various utility companies/authorities during their respective utility construction/ maintenance work/ excavation, are carrying out work in an unplanned manner and gas pipelines are damaged during the work. This is not only causing leakage of gas but there is a high potential of the fire incident which may have an adverse effect on property and public safety at large.

GGL is carrying out a patrolling activity on its network and their patrolmen are deputed during all third party excavation activities. 

They also have Emergency control rooms working 24*7 for the prompt response to any untoward incident. The Emergency numbers are 769809996 or 0260-2401838.

In this regard, Gujarat Gas Ltd requested all the colleague industries to avoid machine excavation on the charged network, so that the damages of the GGL network can be minimized.


Thanking you,
With Regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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