Details of CSR activities undertaken by colleague industries for compilation of CSR Magazine

Details of CSR activities undertaken by colleague industries for compilation of CSR Magazine
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
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Dear all,

We are in receipt of a letter from Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa regarding launching of CSR Magazine. The soft copy of the letter is enclosed herewith.

We are pleased to inform you that, Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa is in process to launch a CSR Magazine for its members and other significant industries of the territory.

For this initiative, Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa has requested to share the following information, so that compilation of the CSR Magazine can be done.

  1. CSR activities conducted in 2015-16 and 2016-17.
  2. Description of individual projects / activities.
  3. Estimated expenditure towards the individual projects / activities
  4. Photographs of the activities

All the colleague industries who have undertaken the CSR activities are requested to send the above mentioned data in a presentation/word format to or to your association SIMA at by 30th August 2017.

For any help/query, please feel free to call your association @ 07600758821.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,

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