Constitution of Regional Advisory Committee for Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax

Constitution of Regional Advisory Committee for Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax
Monday, April 11, 2016
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Dear members,

Office of the Chief Commissioner, Central Excise, Customs & Services Tax, Vadodara Zone has issued a  Trade Notice vide Notice No. 1/2016 by which Regional Advisory Committee has been constituted for Organized Sector and SSI Sector for Vadodara Zone  for the Block years 2016-17.

Your association is pleased to inform you that, one of our Executive Committee Member and Vice-President of SIMA Shri Sunil Ijari has been nominated as a member in the said RAC  for the Block years 2016-17 in Central Excise, Customs & Services Tax, Vadodara Zone.

Your association is also pleased to inform that, Shri Ajeet Yadav, President of DNH Industries Association is also nominated in the said RAC as one of the member.

So, all the colleague industries are requested to contact either of them in case of any problems, issues faced by concern industries.

The colleague industries can also give their valuable suggestions in respect of functioning and in respect of any issue faced by them pertaining to Central, Excise, Customs and Service Tax to Shri Sunil Ijari and/or Shri Ajeet Yadav. 

The scanned copy of the Trade Notice No. 01/2016 is enclosed herewith for your information.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,                                               

Narendra Trivedi, 

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