Ahmedabad Machine Tool Expo -2015 by IMTEX

Ahmedabad Machine Tool Expo -2015 by IMTEX
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
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Dear Industrial Colleagues,

This is to inform you that, a mega Exhibition "Ahmedabad Machine Tool Expo -2015"  shall be organized by Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers​'​ Association from 24th - 27th September 2015 in Hall No. 1 & 2 at Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

​The Ahmedabad Machine Tool Expo -2015​ will cover the entire gamut of metal working tools for both metal cutting and metal forming as well as automation tooling system, production aids, accessories, consumable, software and other latest technologies required for today's manufacturing needs. 

The exhibition will be one stop destination to demonstrate the latest technologies in the field of metal working machinery, low cost automation, material handling and quality control systems and equipment, together with off-the-shelf production aids, accessories, consumables, software & consultancy. The Expo is designed to address today's rapidly changing productivity and quality requirements and demonstrate solutions to manufacturing industries, especially SMEs. Ahmedabad Machine Tool Expo 2015 is a business-to-business (B2B) exhibition that will encourage manufacturing industries, job-shops and SMEs to reach for higher quality, productivity and achieve competitiveness by adopting modern machines and technology.

Your association has received an invitation from Mr. V Anbu, Director General, Indian Machine Tools Manufacturers' Association. He has also forwarded the brochures, covering letter to our Association SIMA, and the said invitation, brochures and covering letter have been scanned and attached herewith for your information.

Vide the said letter it has been requested that, members of association SIMA are invited to Ahmedabad Machine Tool Expo -2015 from 24th - 27th September 2015 at Hall 1 & 2 Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. The exhibition timing are as under:

Exhibitors                       : -               0900 to 1900 hrs
Business Visitors           :-                1000 to 1800 hrs
Engg. Students              :-                1400 to 1800 hrs
(Children below 10yrs. of age not allowed)

Interested industries colleagues are requested that, during their visit,  for any assistance, help and guidance they can contact on email ID : info@mtx.co.in . They can also contact Shri Gaurav Singh, Executive Officer, 9922419036, 020 64100182/83 and email id:- gauravsingh@imtma.in.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,  

Narendra Trivedi, 

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