Notification issued by Director (Education), DNH regarding Saraswati Vidya Yojana - UT Plan Scheme.

Notification issued by Director (Education), DNH regarding Saraswati Vidya Yojana - UT Plan Scheme.
Friday, January 3, 2020
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith a Notification issued by Director (Education), Dadra & Nagar Haveli vide No. DOE/GNL/SVY/2018-19/170 dated 02.01.2020.

Vide the Notification, Hon’ble Administrator, Dadra & Nagar Haveli has amended and notified the UT Plan Scheme “Saraswati Vidya Yojana” in the suppression of all other earlier notification of components covered under this umbrella schemes.

The objectives of the scheme are as follows:

1. To provide free education to the girls studying in Class First onwards till Post Graduation in the Govt & Govt aided schools/ institutes/ colleges of the UT Administration by reimbursing Board Examination fees / Universities fees.

2. To provide financial assistance to students for preparation of National Level Entrance Examination such as IIT, JEE, NEET to pursue further professional courses in Engineering and Medical, respectively.

3. All the girls pursuing higher education like Diploma/Graduation and Post Graduate Professional courses from any Govt recognized university will be provided financial assistance by way of reimbursing 50% of fees whose parental income (Mother/Father and any other source of income) is above Rs.1 Lakh and reimbursing 100% of fees whose parental income (Mother/Father from any other source of income) is below Rs.1 Lakh.

4. Free Distribution of Bicycle to all the girl students, studying in class VIII in the Govt and Govt aided schools/institutes of the UT Administration.


All the colleague industries are requested to aware their worker about the Saraswati Vidya Yojana Scheme so that they will encourage their girl child for higher education with such benefits under this umbrella scheme.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association   

Narendra Trivedi

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