Tuesday, October 2, 2018
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Dear all,

UT Administration has banned the use of Plastic Bags in Dadra & Nagar Haveli to protect the environment and to maintain the cleanliness in UT. For the convenience of people of DNH, the Administration of D&NH decided to distribute 50000 jute or cotton bags to each family of the territory. So that, people can avoid use of plastic bags for shopping. In this regards, Administration has appealed the colleague industries to come forward in becoming a resource for cleanliness and green environment and sponsor jute or cotton bags.

In this regards, Federation of Industries Association, Silvassa has forwarded an appeal to the constituent associations for circulation to their members. The copy of appeal is enclosed herewith.

Industries are requested to sponsor these Jute shopping bags in the denomination of 500 or 1000 and place the direct order to the agency. The name and bank details of the agency is also mentioned in the attachment. 

As a part of social responsibility (CSR), colleague industries are requested to sponsor these shopping bags in the denomination of minimum 500 or 1000 and place order directly to the agency within a week. On payment to supplier, members are requested to furnish the details of their sponsorship to your association SIMA.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association, 

Narendra Trivedi,

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