Membership and Business Offer

Membership and Business Offer
Thursday, April 16, 2015
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Dear Sir/Madam,

As you are aware that, our Association SIMA i.e. Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association is active in the UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and are representing the problems and hardship face by the industries in this territory and SIMA is putting its best efforts to resolve the issues. Due to this said approach of SIMA and considering the various initiatives took by SIMA the industries and particularly MSME industries are joining the association has groomed in last couple of years. The industries colleagues have felt the presence of SIMA in this territory and daily more than 400 to 500 people are visiting the website of our association SIMA i.e.

SIMA felt that, it is very essential to provide a suitable platform between buyers and sellers of this territory and surrounding area, so that such platform can work as a bridge between buyers and sellers. With this consideration SIMA has launched a webpage i.e. SIMA Ad-Express on its website wherein traders, shop keepers, service providers, hoteliers, etc. can give their advertisement, so that the products and services provided by such seller can reach to the needy buyer who required such services and products in their day to day requirement.

The traders, shop keepers, service providers, hoteliers etc. can give their advertisement in our webpage SIMA Ad-Express which will be viewed by about 2500 industrial units of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. Not only that, but when SIMA send any of information, circulars, letters to  the members such advertisement shall also get attach randomly and shall reach to the industries of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. It was also felt that, traders, shop keepers, service providers, hoteliers are spending huge amount by advertising their products in News Paper, Handbill or on TV Channels. But by giving advertisement on SIMA Ad-Express, the advertisement shall reach directly on the table of key persons of the industries and shall have better impact compare to other media.

So, considering the impact of advertisement against the cost of advertisement, we appeal to give advertisement on our webpage SIMA Ad-Express to the traders, shop keepers, service providers, hoteliers, etc.

The advertisement charge is as under.

1. Advertisement that will flash on our webpage for One Year is Rs. 5000/- (250/- one time admission fees).

2. Advertisement that will flash on our webpage in big size (hoarding style) for One Year is Rs. 10000/- (250/- one time admission fees).

The advertiser shall be also involved in day to day activities by sending letters and circulars of association to them and shall also provide the other benefits at par with our members for that particular period.

We are sure that traders, shopkeepers, service providers and hoteliers who desire to take the advantage of the platform of SIMA Ad-Express shall come forward and by giving their advertisement can communicate about their products and services to their prospective buyers, customers and clients.

For Advertisement and any other details regarding our webpage SIMA Ad-Express, please call our Executive 7600758821 or email us :

Please go through our profile, brochures, journal and activities details attached herewith. 

Thanking you, 
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,   

Narendra Trivedi,

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